Dr. Dewane Brueske

Dr. Brueske attended Loma Linda University School of Dentistry. Dr. Brueske has also been certified in Clear Correct Orthodontics. He continues his studies in order to be the best dentist and provide the most excellent care to all his patients. Dr. Brueske has had the opportunity to go on multiple medical and dental aid work trips to the Amazon, Caribbean, Central America, and Africa, during which he was exposed to many different procedures and experiences in both fields. Ultimately, he pulled his first tooth while on a trip to the Amazon, and became fascinated by dentistry: the rest is history!

Dr. Brueske was born in British Columbia, Canada and grew up on a farm in the mountains of Eastern Oregon with sheep, goats, llamas, chickens, cows, and horses; all of which were pets and taught him how to care for animals and other living things. He now lives in Scottsdale with his fur baby, a miniature long-haired Dachshund named Sir Rupert. When the Dr. Brueske is not working, he enjoys hiking, swimming, traveling, and finding new restaurants to try.

Dr. Brueske is a member of the ADA, AZDA, and a former member of CADS.

Hometown: Born in British Columbia, Canada, raised in Oregon, and now living in Scottsdale.

Family: Dr. Brueske lives in Scottsdale with his fur baby, a Miniature Long-haired Dachshund, named Sir Rupert.

Hobbies: Dr. Brueske enjoys hiking, swimming, traveling, and finding new restaurants to try.

Bilingual: Dr. Brueske lived abroad in Japan, Argentina, and Norway, but is not fluent.